Wedding Speeches
Giving a wedding speech can be terrifying. The task of addressing an audience that wants
to be entertained under the fearful gaze of a bride - who’s hoping you won’t ruin the wedding video
and her big day to boot - is enough to freeze the most seasoned of presenters. Speaking to a room of
family and friends should be an easy, enjoyable experience, only having people we know well
witness us do something momentous is anything but easy. In fact, it often adds to
the wedding speech terrors.
The wedding speech terrors ruin too many speakers' enjoyment of the day. But they
needn’t. With proper preparation, a short, helpful checklist and some super-effective delivery tips,
you’ll be able to give a great wedding speech that you’ll be keen to deliver. Look below to see which
wedding speech coaching option is best for you.

“I was so worried that my speech wouldn't be funny that I thought I'd read out some jokes I'd found on the net. Emma forbade this and got me to tell true stories about Ed that she helped me bring alive. They were a real hit. I can't thank her enough.”

Let's Talk!
If you require firm and inspiring support along your wedding speech journey, give me a call on +44 (0)7973 933782 or if you prefer I can call you.