One To One Coaching

27 July 2020

One-to-One coaching is ideal for individuals who have a particular training need and require a personal and confidential service

© 2020

Achieving Polish and Results

I work with clients on a one to one basis for two key reasons: they have a particular speech that they want support with or they feel their public speaking isn't up to scratch in general and want to change that. For those in the latter camp, I strongly recommend The Confidence Course.  

I regularly help clients who want to:

  • Perform better in court, be that solicitors who have to present to a judge or barristers who want to make more impact on juries
  • Perform better in meetings, online and face to face
  • Produce effective and polished video material 
  • Give a strong, entertaining best person, father of the bride or groom’s speech
  • Make a sensitive, uplifting eulogy
  • Deliver a compelling keynote speech or any other conference speech
  • Inspire teams through presentations
  • Perform well during media interviews
  • Make a persuasive and enjoyable sales case to potential buyers
  • Soften their accent 
  • Project their voices and make them easier on the ear

But I will help with any public speaking challenge that you or the person you support is facing. 

Once I'm on board, I care immensely that my clients achieve their goal. We really are in it together. The one to one service is always confidential. So clients get to take all the credit! 

Fees from £80 an hour. 

Five stars
“After just a couple of sessions, I was confidently using the techniques Emma taught me in court. I felt so much more eloquent and polished and my new public speaking skills have not gone unnoticed - fellow barristers have complimented me on mitigations! I'm continuing with the coaching because I'm seeing great results and I want to be as good as I can be.”

Asif K, Barrister

Five stars
“Emma has been incredible with her guidance and support. She put me at ease and gave me encouragement to deliver a motivational speech. Throughout our work together any feedback she gave me was done in a kind but firm manner and this enabled me to build up a speech I can now deliver with confidence”

Figen Murray, OBE

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