She Speaks?! is a women-only workshop that teaches participants how to prepare for meetings and ensure their voices are heard during them.
Whether making a contribution in a meeting or giving an update, the session will help women improve their public speaking skills and practice them in a safe and nurturing environment. It will also explore how to deal with sexist or rude behaviour that might occur or be directed at them during a meeting.
The workshop is a must for women starting their careers and / or hoping to move into managerial roles.

By the end of She Speaks?! participants will know how to:
- Speak up assertively when they want to contribute
- Mentally structure their contribution so it’s clear and focused
- Engage comfortably in pre-meet small talk
- Look like they expect to be heard – body language
- Project their voices and breathe correctly
- Stress key words for effect
- Manage interruptions
- Handle awkward questions
- Challenge rude and / or inattentive behaviour
Course Details
- Course length: Three hours
- Maximum delegates: Eight people
- Course fee: £600. Travel expenses and travel time are additional.
“Emma has a really original approach to delivering effective programmes of personal development. Her grounded, practical slant pays immediate dividends. I have commissioned her to lead programmes to help middle managers develop their personal presentation styles, both written and oral. The programmes have been fun and effective; and the messages stick!”
Let's Talk!
All training courses can be tailored to suit your needs. To chat through in more detail or find out any further information, give me a call on +44 (0)7973 933782 or if you prefer I can call you.